Thursday, October 29, 2009

an ollie nosegrab

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

assignment #1/picture #3

I think that little red has suffered the fate of many americans... obesity. McDonalds is bad for you, everyone knows that, but nobody cares because they have been around for a ling time and are giving to many charities. idont care beacause I have self control, but like most people in america that from the moment of birth are programmed to consume and cannot stop thinking that they need things that they obviously dont.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

assignment #1/picture #2

In picture number two cinderella is at a small round and red table in a bar drinking by herself with a hopeless look on her face while most of the old guys at the bar stare. There is very little light in the bar, very dark but theres a spotlight on cinderella and her life seems like a dark and lonely one.

In the bar most people dont even notice that shes there even though shes under a spotlight, there is a group of old dudes drinking at a table near her just staring while she sulks taking her shots.

This bar looks like its more for the biker and old guy crowd dude to the lighting and all the people in it, the budweiser signs( two of them, a banner and a neon sign) so that means shes just there to drink and not party and meet people, just drinking away the rest of the life that she didnt piss away with being in a fairy tale.

assignment #1/picture #1 snow white

in picture number one snow white is a mom with four kids a dog and a lazy drunk husband. snow white has two babies in her arms and one is pulling at her dress the other is playing in the back of the room, the husband is sitting with his feet up, holes in his tights, eating kettle chips and drinking a beer while watching tv and the dog is eating the chips off of the floor. they live in a small home or an apartment. the only furniture is two chairs, a small table, a footrest and a small tv stand. they have a fire place with a clock in it but it is not on. they have two stone walls and bumpy normal ones.